Mandated shutdowns and restricted activities solidified the need for a digital transformation across all business and lifestyle sectors in 2020. Although the shift to digital has been coming for decades, the coronavirus pandemic accelerated the process as virtual solutions became necessary to stay in the game.

In 2020, PlatformQ Health’s mission to improve health outcomes through trusted digital education did not waver. We are grateful to be a steady hand for our partners, HCP and patient learners, and supporters, providing continuity through seamless shifts into the digital world. Digital education is at the heart of our past and current success, and our ability to adapt and innovate is a critical component of our future-focused orientation.

With more than 70 member-association and advocacy partners, we delivered clinician and patient/caregiver education that impacted 17 million patients and demonstrated tangible improvements in their health outcomes. More than 3.75 million minutes of education were viewed across 163 online events, leading to better care and improved communication between clinicians and patients.

With exciting advances in medicine, care practice, and digital technologies on the horizon, we are excited for where 2021 will lead.

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