Education about rare diseases is crucial to reducing time to diagnosis and providing optimal care for patients. Recently, PlatformQ Health worked with our strategic partner the National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD) to produce digital education for health care providers (HCPs), focused on the rare dermatological condition prurigo nodularis.

The 60-minute continuing medication education (CME) program was launched live in November 2022 and is now available on demand. Led by faculty from Johns Hopkins Itch Center at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, the program focused on diagnostic tools, emerging treatment options, and management strategies.

Click here to download the poster.

Prior to the session, 75% of learners reported that they felt they have patients with undiagnosed PN. 90% of learners identified themselves as treaters, seeing an average of five patients with PN monthly. 

Cohort analysis was performed to gauge the success of the program to close knowledge gaps. 424 (88% of whom were MD, DOs, NPs, or PAs) participated in the program. Of the target learners, they experienced a marked improvement in competence across diagnosis, disease severity, comorbidities, and treatment.